Button Grrrl

Button Grrrl meets digital SLR, gets excited, and decides to post the results.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

So where is my home?

Home is were you begin a journey but also your destination. Its definition may change as you change. Home may not be your place of abode. It may not be the physical structure in which you live. Perhaps it's a place you mentally retreat to, a childhood dream, a sight, smell, or touch. An urban leap from the sprawling metropolis. A wholesome, hearty retreat. In baseball, a home run is returning to where you started. Just click those ruby slippers and repeat - 'there's no place like home, there's no place like home' and you're back where you belong. No matter how far away you roam, home is what you carry inside yourself, an invisible umbilical cord you cannot cut, a dream, aspiration, that formulates who you are. It's what you make of it that counts.


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