Button Grrrl

Button Grrrl meets digital SLR, gets excited, and decides to post the results.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

More "Love" with cheese

More cheesy love gifts! Spotted in a Bury St Edmunds kitchenware shop by Ruby. Keep them coming folks!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The things you see...

While walking to work the other day I spotted this. It makes the mind boggle!

For the love of cake...

A heart Surf Babe tripped over last week.

Cheesy Love…

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been collecting a series of unexpected hearts discovered in my daily adventures and thought I’d post them today since it’s a day were everyone is overly obsessed with having someone to love.

So check them out and please feel free to get your cameras out and mail me your hearts.

Bargain Love Pants

One of my favorite phases is “Pants’ often used to describe something that has gone wrong or the polite expletive before “oh for XXXXX sake” and then you really know I’m mad about something. I’m rambling so I’ll get to the point; this week has been a week full of pants of one reason or another.

First was this beautiful funny from ‘Dolly Blue’ in Nottingham:


Please check out the site and raise a glass to your pants in all of their beautiful forms : )

My second encounter with pants was with Lampy in a local Tesco’s where we were trying to do a spot of food shopping while avoiding singing shoppers, glittering hearts and the wilting flowers of Valentines Day. So for all of you who feel the need to celebrate in rather dubious style, here’s to you!