Button Grrrl

Button Grrrl meets digital SLR, gets excited, and decides to post the results.

Friday, January 20, 2006

A Friday Challenge...

I’m a bit of a keen mobile phone ‘texter’ to say the least and have even been know to coin the phrase ‘My Text Family’ about those whom I speak regularly to via text. I won’t bang on just now why I think text, photo messaging and mobile video are so fantastic but suffice to say I'm way more creative using my phone as it’s always with me and my play pals are always one text away!

So over the last few weeks I’ve have started to post daily photographs to the ‘Text Family’, so today’s photograph is a bit of a challenge to the family. The ‘Text Family’ got the image plus the following instruction:

Well my dears, today’s picture I think is a Crime Scene. Death by banana, with the only evidences the skin and a woolly glove. Free feel to write a humorous short story of death. Answers by email or text!

The first one off the mark was Surfing Babe in less than 15 minutes, so her winning honor is that her short text story gets posted tonight! Will keep you posted re. the rest of the family’s responses.

Surf Babe’s text story…
Banana eats man. Revenge Attack – for all bananas eaten by man. Naked banana stuffed, can’t eat glove. Beware of the naked killer banana!

The "Wanted Banana Poster" has been kindly donanted by Ruby from Living in Bury St Edmunds. Check out her blog for her new digital adventures in a small southern town.



At 2:41 pm, Blogger Christina S said...

I think I've found a pic of Surf Babe's naked killer banana - although he seems to have found a new overcoat from somewhere - obviously a disguise tactic.

I've emailed the pic to you.


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